Digital Accessibility Series Part 3: Creating Accessible Documents and Resources

Providing accessible documents in your course ensures that all learners are able to use your content and participate in your course on equal footing. In this workshop, you will apply accessibility best practices in authoring and remediating documents and other course resources to provide a digitally accessible experience for all students. In this workshop, you will acquire skills to author and remediate documents for accessibility, including Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, Excel files, PDFs, and journal articles.

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop, the participant will be able to:

  • Identify methods for authoring accessible documents.
  • Practice strategies for remediating documents and resources to ensure accessibility.




View the workshop syllabus.


90 minutes


UA faculty, staff, and graduate students

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Digital Credential

Active participation in this workshop counts toward the requirements for the Digital Accessibility digital credential.

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