Syllabus: Build Your Own Course Trailer with Adobe Rush


Do you feel like learner engagement is getting off to a slow start in your online course? Would you like to create a compelling message that grabs your students on day 1? Then a course trailer might be the solution you’re looking for. In this 90-minute hands-on workshop you’ll plan and outline a course trailer, storyboard your content, explore free music and images to use in your trailer, and practice using some of the basic tools in Adobe Rush to produce your video.


In this workshop, participants will use Adobe Rush to create a brief informational course trailer that introduces students to their course, and will explore no-cost, copyright-free media resources to add to their course.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this workshop, the participant will be able to:

  • Write a one-paragraph script discussing the impact of their course
  • Explore text styles in the Adobe Rush template library
  • Import video clips or images into their course trailer
  • Add background music to their course trailer
  • Publish their course trailer

Workshop Structure

This hands-on workshop is facilitated face-to-face and includes direct instruction, a practice activity, and time for participants to start building their own course trailer.

Time Commitment

90 minutes in workshop, plus variable time planning a script and in advance of the workshop

Expectations and Participation

Participants are expected to:

  • Arrive prepared to participate
  • Obtain Adobe Rush via the Creative Cloud app (no cost to UA faculty, staff, and students)
  • Access Box to download workshop assets
  • Actively engage in workshop activities
  • Share their project progress with others in the workshop


Miranda Webster and Cheryl Bosarge

Pre-Workshop Preparation

To get the most out of this workshop, participants should bring a personal device with Adobe Rush installed, and are encouraged to bring video clips, images, or background music they would like to use. An assets package will be provided for those who do not bring their own. Participants will be able to use their workshop time more effectively if they prepare a script ahead of time, but this is not required.


Workshop Assets, Playbook, and Copyright-Free Resources