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Be active with a strong presence.
- Be present and available from the beginning
- Schedule time to be online
- Commit to a reasonable response time
Blackboard Tools: Announcements, Discussions, Email, Collaborate
Other Tools: Zoom
Build community.
- Student – content interactions
- Instructor – student interactions
- Student – student interactions
Blackboard Tools: Announcements, Discussions, Collaborate
Other Tools: Zoom, Flip
Communicate consistently, clearly and often.
- Keep a regular schedule
- Establish expectations
Blackboard Tools: Announcements, Rubrics, Email, Discussions
Monitor user progress.
- Use low stakes activities
- Watch for online cues (regularly logging on, participation, completed work)
Tools: Rubrics, Statistics, Grades
Use multiple methods to assess learning.
- Use formative assessments to check learning
- Use informal and formal assessments
Tools: Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes
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Provide amplified assistance/feedback.
- Provide regular feedback
- Guide learning
- Monitor & encourage
Blackboard Tools: Audio & Video Feedback, Release Conditions, Email, Grades Comments, Self-Assessments
Keep students engaged.
- Use a variety of teaching strategies
- Provide examples
- Use multimedia (visuals, audio, video, simulations)
- Incorporate active learning
- Balance content and participation
Blackboard Tools: Content, Discussions, Groups, Assignments, Quizzes
Create shortcuts.
- Log common feedback responses
- Automate grading and feedback where possible
Blackboard Tools: Self-Assessments, Quizzes
Get feedback from students.
- Provide opportunities for feedback during and at the end of the course
Blackboard Tools: Surveys, Polls
Keep a journal.
- Track what is working well
- Note challenges, errors, and time management
- Identify what changes you will make next time